Bosses to the left

Based on user feedback we made some tweaks to how the crew for your events are displayed. Now the first couple of leftmost spots are always the boat owner and the crew bosses. Next the the crew is listed by most active to least active, if there is a tie then the order is alphabetical. What was happening was there were a few owners /crew bosses that have busy travel schedules and had a habit of signing up late. The crew boss would confirm crew but accidentally leave off the owner because he was on the far right side, doh! Remember from left to right – owner and crew bosses first then crew with most activity listed to the left. Crew gets more points for being confirmed or standby, then available, maybe and unavailable. No points for not entering anything, aka “unknown”.

Inviting your crew with a silver platter

We added a feature today specifically for captains and crew bosses. You now can send an invitation to your crew to join you on RailMeets. From the Dashboard near the bottom your will see “Want to bring in your existing crew? Invite them from your boat’s crew list page.”   Clicking on that will take you to a list of your crew.  Scroll down and you will see a button to “Invite your Crew”.

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That will bring up a box that you can input email addresses.  Maybe you have a crew email you send out every week. Copy and paste those into the box.  The system will figure out the emails as long as you have a space between them.  Comma, semicolon, it doesn’t matter what your email program uses to separate the addresses as long as there is a space between them. If they are not email addresses the system will also recognize that and not send an email to the junk.

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The system will send an email to that person inviting them join RailMeets with a link to the site and your boat.