Chicago NOOD or Don’t tell me tell RailMeets

It was great seeing many of you at this past weekends Chicago NOOD regatta. Thank you for your comments suggestions, complements and of course how can I forget sipping rum drinks on a T-10 while giving some training on the RailMeets dashboard. Thanks! But my favorite comment was from a J/109 skipper telling me how RailMeets changed his program, from finding crew to tracking the crew schedules. As he told me, when he gets a text from a crew saying they are available for a race he texts back “Don’t tell me, tell RailMeets!”

How did the boat I was on do? Well after sitting in the fog on Friday we got in four good races on Saturday. We were tied for second (with two other boats tied for first). We really needed a race on Sunday but more pea soup fog prevented that and after all the tie breakers were applied we ended up fourth. Not bad for a new program and a good chunk of the crew picked up from RailMeets.

User Requested Features

Gang this week we added a couple of user requested features. On the MySignups page the header that lists your boats and club is is now fixed. Those of you that crew on multiple boats can see which column is for which boat as you scroll down.

Another requested feature was the ability to email crew about a specific event. Before you had to have at least one person confirmed before the email icon became active, now it’s always active.

And last, if you boat has a lot of events you will be happy to know that we added a confirm button to the top of the screen. Before you had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find it.

Got any other bright ideas? We would love to hear them send us a note.


Did you know there is a Super User Mode? There has been one for some time but we didn’t say too much about it as we didn’t like it and depending on what computer and browser you had it was sloooow. This week we revamped the Super User Mode (SUM) to be as fast as the man of steel. Why use SUM? We all have that one friend or weird uncle that just ain’t computer literate. To keep track of him on your crew go to the confirm signups page. If you are a Skipper or Crew Boss you will see a pencil after the event name in the events column.

Click on the pencil, that will bring up a new screen just for that event. From there you can edit your crew’s signups for that event. Don’t forget to click on Confirm to finalize the changes


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Bosses to the left

Based on user feedback we made some tweaks to how the crew for your events are displayed. Now the first couple of leftmost spots are always the boat owner and the crew bosses. Next the the crew is listed by most active to least active, if there is a tie then the order is alphabetical. What was happening was there were a few owners /crew bosses that have busy travel schedules and had a habit of signing up late. The crew boss would confirm crew but accidentally leave off the owner because he was on the far right side, doh! Remember from left to right – owner and crew bosses first then crew with most activity listed to the left. Crew gets more points for being confirmed or standby, then available, maybe and unavailable. No points for not entering anything, aka “unknown”.

Chicago NOOD and Crew Bosses

I was at the Chicago NOOD this past weekend. Thanks to RailMeets I crewed in two different boats a J/109 and a J/111. Thanks to those of you that stopped me to introduce yourself and provide feedback, ask questions as well as suggest features. Always a pleasure to talk to our users.

A common theme was how can I help my skipper keep organized and keep the team on top?  With RailMeets a skipper can set up a crew member as a crew manager or as I like to say crew boss. Here is how a skipper can do it. From the Dashboard click on My Boats, then click on your boat name. Next scroll down and click on Crews. From there find the crew member that you want to promote and click on Set Rolls. From there you can select Crew, which is the most basic, Manager can update and assign crew and events. The owner can do everything related to this boat. Each boat needs at least one owner or crew manager.  New crew defaults to Crew

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Now the new Crew Manager can approve crew requests, look for new crew, send invitations and confirm crew for a race. With power comes responsibility make sure the owner is involved with and on board with your decisions. You can also use this feature if the boat is a partnership, the sailor that set up the account can promote the other owners to owner status.