User Requested Features

Gang this week we added a couple of user requested features. On the MySignups page the header that lists your boats and club is is now fixed. Those of you that crew on multiple boats can see which column is for which boat as you scroll down.

Another requested feature was the ability to email crew about a specific event. Before you had to have at least one person confirmed before the email icon became active, now it’s always active.

And last, if you boat has a lot of events you will be happy to know that we added a confirm button to the top of the screen. Before you had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find it.

Got any other bright ideas? We would love to hear them send us a note.

SMS Messaging is now live

Here in the northern hemisphere the boats are away but in preparation for next year we are still adding features to RailMeets.  A very much requested feature has been SMS messaging, it is now live. You can set the system to send a text message to your crew for any last minute updates. There are two parts to setting it up. First you and your crew need to set up your profile. Login and then click on your picture in the upper right corner (mobile users look for the three bars in the upper right corner). Select My Info and then click on Edit.  Make sure you have your cell phone number in the phone number space and that the flag for country is correct. Click on Submit. Then click on My Settings and then Edit. In the Notifications pane, next to Last Minute Updates check SMS and then Update. That’s it, you are now ready to receive text messages from RailMeets.

When you need to send a last minute text to your crew do the following. From your dashboard click your boat name, that will bring up a list of events, find the event that you need to send the text for, then click on the envelope to send a message.

A window will pop up for you to type your message. Check the box for “Send as last minute notification (SMS if chosen by crew)” In a few seconds your phone will ding with a message. If your crew does not have SMS messaging set up in RailMeets they will get an old fashioned email.

Can you hear me…

Another one for skippers and crew bosses.  This week we tweaked the messaging. Now you can select who you send a message to based on their status. Try it out, from the dashboard click on your boats schedule, then click on the envelope in an event. That will bring up a window. Type your message and select who you want to send the message to. Your choices are crew that is Confirmed, on Standby, Available but not confirmed, the Maybe and the Unavailable. Checking all the boxes will send the message to everybody that changed their status for that event. Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at 8.30.39 PM.png

Lots of messages…

We recently rolled out a couple of new messaging features. You can now message the entire crew from the boats profile. Look for the “Contact All Crew” button at the bottom of the boat profile page. That will bring up a box that you can type a message and send to all the boats crew. Which brings me to the next change. emails from the site will now come from That mailbox is not monitored so any questions, comments, feature suggestions or other rants and manifestos should be sent to or

More on Messaging

I promised some more tips on messaging. Did you know you can use Roster Monsters to find crew or find boats to crew on? At some point in the future this will be part of our Premium Features but for now we will let you do some networking on us.

Go to your home page or “Your Dashboard”. Easy way to get there is to click on the Roster Monsters logo in the upper left of any screen.

Then scroll down to the “Hints” section. From there you can click on “Discover new crew” or “Discover new boats”

That will bring up a page or Boats looking for crew or crew looking for boats. Find one that looks interesting and click on “Contact Boat” or “Contact Crew”. That will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to compose a message. Hit send and the owner and crew boss will get your note.

It works the same for crew except only the crew member you messaged will get the note.

Please network safely and get to know the person you are messaging before going out on the water with them. Like any networking site, same safety rules apply.

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More messaging!

Some more on messaging. Did you see the “Messages” button across the top at the center of your screen? Click on that and it will bring up your messages, these are the same ones that you have received via email. You can go back to your email and respond or you can click on the messages and reply while you are still in Everyone that got the original message will get the reply. Slick!

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Messaging changes

This week we made some changes to the way Roster Monsters does messaging. There is a lot of new stuff here so I am going to start with the simple stuff and work our way up over the next few days.

Select one of your boats then select “View all signups”. Next to an event description you will see a envelope. Clicking on that will bring up a dialog box from there you can type in your message. Be creative, dock code got changed, Joe has beer. traffic will be bad in the park, whatever information you need to send. When you click on “Send” the system will send an email to just the crew signed up for that event. No more spamming your entire crew list to tell them you are going to be 10 min late.

You can also send a message from the event info page. Select a boat, then select “Events” then select an event. From there you can click on “Message Crew”

This works the same for crew or owners/crew bosses

Tune in tomorrow for some more cool new messaging features…

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